Ayiiia Elizarraras

Ayiiia who was the winner of realworldcasting.com got her place in the competition thanks to her dedicated friends that worked with her. Ayiiia might be Mexican heritage, but she's never been on a long journey to Mexico. She is never one to be shy. Sometimes, however she speaks with such a viciousness so as to annoy her roommates. Ayiia quickly realizes that her life as a Roommate at The Real World House is far more difficult than expected. Ayiiia has a background of partying and using drug use. Ayiiia affirms that she's not judgmental and faithful to those she loves, however she'll still have an animus. Ayiiia started a romance with another woman. Her mother was and her mother in San Diego and was looking for a place that was her own prior to the reunion. It was revealed during the reunion that she and Jonna had not been in a relationship due to the difficulties they encountered when filming.

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